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Krashenyuk A.I.

Pandemic “COVID-19 – POSTCOVID SYNDROME”: A System Method of Leeching is a New and Effective Treatment

186. Krashenyuk A.I. Pandemic “COVID-19 – POSTCOVID SYNDROME”: A System Method of Leeching is a New and Effective Treatment. Journal of Virology Research & Reports, 2023, volume 4(2):1-12.


In March 2023 (March 11, 2023), it is 3 years since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic of a new virus called "COVID-19". As of March 21, 2023, the WHO website has reported 761,071,826 confirmed cases of "COVID-19", including 6,879,677 deaths (0.9%). A total of 13,260,401,200 doses of various vaccines have been administered. WHO continues to collect statistics on the incidence of the disease in the world until the pandemic is stopped, despite the vaccination measures taken. What are the lessons of the pandemic that health authorities around the world have learned in three years? The mechanism of the "COVID-19" disease has become clearer. The concept of"POSTCOVID SYNDROME" or "LONG COVID" is developing. Work continues to improve vaccines, the use of which has revealed the negative aspects of vaccination.

The "COVID-19" pandemic that has swept the planet has caused a serious problem for survivors of this disease called "POSTCOVID SYNDROME". The article discusses the topic that the author designated as the pandemic "COVID - 19" - "POSTCOVID SYNDROME". The mechanisms of pathogenesis of this disease are affected. The most proven mechanisms of the pathogenesis of the disease and the most effective methods of treatment according to the literature are considered. In comparative terms, the advantage of the "System Method of Leeching" in comparison with the proposed methods of treatment is shown. The possibility of monotherapy with medical leeches (Hirudotherapy) of this disease is shown.

Keywords: Disease "COVID-19"-"POSTCOVID SYNDROME", damage to the nervous system (central and peripheral), antiviral effect of leech, DIC syndrome Thrombolytic and antithrombic effects of leech accumulation. Neurotrophic effect and neurotrophins. "System method of leeching" (SML)- hirudotherapy, new effects of hirudotherapy.

Статья размещена на сайте 16 мая 2024 г.


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